The Society devotes by far the largest part of its income to publishing. This keeps members in touch with the results of recent research and, at the same time, makes a major contribution to London scholarship.
- The annual Transactions is free to members. Volume 52 contains nine papers on a wide range of subjects, including detailed exavation reports and topics of more general historical interest.
- The Newsletter is produced three times a year. It contains book reviews
and reports on meetings, together with lists of lectures arranged by affiliated societies.
Editorial sections inform the reader of current issues relating to the history and archaeology of London.
- The Special Papers are monographs on major themes, such as Saxon London
or the Roman Walbrook stream. Six volumes are currently in print, and may be
purchased by members at special rates.
Tables of contents of past publications, and increasing numbers of abstracts, may be
consulted on line, in our Archives section .
/Benefits of membership